Sunshine Kickstarts New Spring Kung Fu Session ’24

A sprout of a small plant grows up from the ground.

Welcome to the 2024 Spring Kung Fu session!

         Welcome back sunshine! It’s springtime in Portland, and it seems the whole town is out enjoying the sunshine after a chilly winter. We had our first 70-degree weekend on the first day of our kung fu spring session a few days ago! 


          We had several promotions last session (Si Mo included! Wow!) and want to congratulate you all on some hard work! Check out some of our class photos below.
          Some of our classes have really blossomed over the last few months, but we still have some availability in our Girl Power and our teen class, so if you know anybody interested, let them know! 

Interested in trying out a class? Check out our schedules!

Questions about getting started?

Contact us with any questions or interest!

Happy holidays!

There are no classes between 12/21–1/1. Classes resume on 1/4. Check calendar for more info.